Dev Diary #001 - Unnamed Datacentre Game

I'm aware there is no real explanation of what this game is and I'll get around to it but for now I just want to write about it without context. Maybe you'll get a grasp of it through this anyway.

So the main way to make money in this game is to provide services. Whether that be Web Hosting or VPNs. Services are obtained through R&D. I'm not yet sure how the research part of R&D works but once its researched the player spends a one time fee to develop it. That service can then be provided by the player. Over time if a player hasn't yet developed a service they may come about later as an open source solution.

Some services will be comprised of multiple other services. These are currently called Chimera Services, the name works for now maybe a better name will come up at some point. For example a Video Sharing Platform is a chimera service comprised of the "File Sharing" and "Video Streaming" services. There'll be a dev diary on these when they've been ironed out more.

My current Game Design Model for service tiers. This has already changed...

This is currently what I have after a little bit of research and is not representative of will be in the finished product. This whole list is going to change as services are no longer unlocked by tier rather as a combination of Tier/Time/Experience which will contribute to R&D.

Hopefully this made sense even without an understanding of the actual game. I wonder how the game will compare with your imagination.